Learn two methods of frying that produce moist, flavorful, boneless, skinless chicken with a super-thin coating that's incredibly crispy and crunchy. Serve...
I have developed this recipe over 3 years. Whenever I made this fried chicken, I tried different mixes of dried ingredients and different ways to make...
Breaded buttermilk fried chicken and a pan-drippings gravy with milk or cream. The gravy is great on the chicken, but mash up some potatoes with some butter...
Hi everybody! Today I'm going to show you how to make dakgangjeong, a crispy and crunchy Korean fried chicken. Many of you probably know that I posted...
The Southern States lay claim to this dish. The chicken can be soaked in buttermilk (such as in this recipe), milk, or brine, dusted with spices or kept...
Take your fried chicken to a healthier level with this buttermilk air fried chicken. I used boneless, skinless chicken thighs, so if you use bone-in the...
This fried chicken batter yields the crispiest, spiciest, homemade fried chicken I have ever tasted! It is equally good served hot or cold and has been...
I had some extra eggnog and was trying to figure out what to do with it. I decided to use it for chicken and everyone was a little skeptical, but after...
If you've never had Nashville Hot Chicken, we're talking about mouthwateringly, ultra-crispy, fiery fried chicken with a cayenne-infused glaze, and by...
I found this recipe a while back and had to try it. My husband and I fell in love with it. He has to have it at least twice a week. Sometimes I use boneless,...
This is how I fry chicken. This recipe shows the ability of Americans in the 21st century to easily obtain food. I was raised by a woman whose grandparents...
Mouthwatering, and especially delicious when served with homemade ravioli and sauce on the side. This chicken comes out juicy every time. Excellent as...
This is one of my favorite dishes. The sake and mayo marinade makes chicken tender and juicy. It is great with steamed white rice and some simple salt...
Easy, tasty fried chicken! I love this recipe. I made it up by reading various seasoning labels at the grocery store and trying the ones for poultry. This...
Easy, tasty fried chicken! I love this recipe. I made it up by reading various seasoning labels at the grocery store and trying the ones for poultry. This...
Affectionately referred to as 'flat chicken' by my family, this recipe is a favorite! My mom would make it once a week and now my kids and I carry on the...
This is how I fry chicken. This recipe shows the ability of Americans in the 21st century to easily obtain food. I was raised by a woman whose grandparents...
This is my own little recipe for fried chicken. With it's double-batter crunch and the blend of seasonings, this chicken is delish. Fried in cast iron...
This is how I fry chicken. This recipe shows the ability of Americans in the 21st century to easily obtain food. I was raised by a woman whose grandparents...
This is an extremely popular dish with many versions. This is my original version. It is easy to prepare. Just remember that the batter should resemble...
I actually came up with this standing in the kitchen, deciding on what to eat. It was phenomenal! I paired mine with bacon-seared corn and brown rice....
Fusion of flavors, cuisines, and techniques bring an incredibly tasty treat to your table. Crispy chicken in a sweet and savory berry sauce. A favorite...
This is an extremely popular dish with many versions. This is my original version. It is easy to prepare. Just remember that the batter should resemble...
This is an extremely popular dish with many versions. This is my original version. It is easy to prepare. Just remember that the batter should resemble...
I actually came up with this standing in the kitchen, deciding on what to eat. It was phenomenal! I paired mine with bacon-seared corn and brown rice....
This is an extremely popular dish with many versions. This is my original version. It is easy to prepare. Just remember that the batter should resemble...
Gluten-free version of everybody's favorite. The method and ingredient ratios were suggested to me by members of this site, then tweaked by me. I have...
Mouthwatering, and especially delicious when served with homemade ravioli and sauce on the side. This chicken comes out juicy every time. Excellent as...
Affectionately referred to as 'flat chicken' by my family, this recipe is a favorite! My mom would make it once a week and now my kids and I carry on the...
This is how I fry chicken. This recipe shows the ability of Americans in the 21st century to easily obtain food. I was raised by a woman whose grandparents...